Wednesday, November 12, 2008


After working like crazy for the last few months, my new book of toy knitting patterns is finally done! Making the toys seemed to take a lot more time and effort than coming up with the ideas. I even had a couple patterns that never made it into the book, and I have several ideas that I never got around to working on. I'm really happy with the designs that I put into it, although I feel a little bad for the guys that got left out! All this creating has made quite a menagerie at my house, though. I took a big bag of toys to a knitter's guild meeting last night. My husband thought I had put all the toys into the bag, but it was actually only about 2/3 of them! I miss these little cuties, though. I wonder who took them home from Plush You? Do any of you ever wonder where some of your creations end up?


1 comment:

Absolutely Small said...

Congrats on finishing your book! That's huge!
And those are some awfully cute critters... ^-^
(Also, yes, I wonder all the time where my plushies go when they're adopted by someone. Sometimes I'm lucky enough that people tell me or send photos!)


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