Thursday, January 24, 2008

Combining crafts

I've been drawing for much longer than I've been sewing, and for this monster I decided to combine two of my passions (one of which is for sharpie markers).

Except for the fleece and pompoms for the eyes, he's made from all "recycled" materials from various sources. It took me a long time to draw the designs on the body, and caused my marker to run out, but I'm in love with the results. I'm most definitely going to make more like this one!

I present to you.... Greg the green (eco friendly) monster.



Absolutely Small said...

What a cool idea! It turned out fab, too. Way to go!

jmday said...

I love it!! I used to do doodle just like those on the back of notebooks in high school. Never thought of putting them on fabric! Fantastic!


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