Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Introducing The Needle Ten!

Here it is, folks- our very own Needle version of an interview.
Here's how it works: There is but one set of ten questions. How you answer them is up to you. I'll post one person's answers to the questions along with a link of their choosing every Tuesday.
If you're interested in being featured, send an email along with your answers to The Needle Ten to theneedle.org@gmail.com.
And now, without any further ado- THE NEEDLE TEN!

1. Black and white or color?

2. Analog or digital?

3. What is your favorite material to work with?

4. ESSAY QUESTION: Two trains are heading in opposite directions at different speeds. If all things are equal, where are those trains going? And, most importantly, are there owls on board?

5. Who is your favorite: Author, artist, musician?

6. If you received a sudden windfall of money, what would you do with it?

7. Winter or summer?

8. What is your favorite: word, color, mental disorder?

9. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

10. How do you, personally, define “plush art” ?

Have fun! I look forward to your answers.


Anonymous said...

Fun! I will get to work on this asap!

Siansburys said...

Ooh! Fun fun! :D


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