Meet Freddy the dragonfly nymph. He's big. And mean. Don't let that cute face fool you. He's got a wicked labium and he's not afraid to use it.
Dragonfly nymphs have awesomely modified mouthparts, specifically a huge, long labium with grabbing claws at the end to capture prey. This guy keeps his tucked away with a bit of velcro, but can reach out and bite you if he feels like it.
He's about 18" long, and 25" long with his mouthparts outstretched.

Who knew dragonflies were so fierce! I'm definitely going to have to think twice before catching one for a glow-jar. Nice work! How long did this take you?
Thanks! I'm not sure how long it took me, I always completely lose track of time when I'm sewing. A good several hours though.
key the frenetic violin music--he's ready to emerge from behienst the Chrysler Building.
Whoa! Another giant bug! You are on a roll.
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