Meet Henry, He's a Poilu, meaning furry in French. Poilus can often be found digging in the grass in the wee hours of the morning looking for worms, not to eat but to befriend. It is not unheard of for a poilu and worm to stay friends for life.
Poilus live of a diet of PB&J sandwhiches their favorite jam is usually apricot, sometimes blackberry.
When a Poilu becomes excited or frightened the fur on his face will poof out!

Meet Roy! Taking after his namesake Roy Rogers, Roy dreams about being a cowboy and riding the open range. He would totally settle for a pony of his very own though.

Forrest Bunnies!!!
You need to stop with the cute bunnies. Seriously. My apartment is going to be overrun with them at this rate. I have no willpower.
I love that forest print fabric on the bunnies! So cute.
Henry is absolutely adorable! I'm in love!
I think I LOVE Roy!
I love Poilu! And his fluffed fur! Just awesome!
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