Monday, August 25, 2008

19 Days and Counting...

Renegade is now 19 days away! Today I'd like to highlight Christina Ward, one of the fearless leaders of the Plush Team! Christina will actually be at Renegade Chicago so make sure you stop by and say hi!!

Christina is a life-long resident of Milwaukee, save for wild teenage-early 20's adventures in NYC, London and Krakow. She's been making "stuff" since she was a kid on her grandmother's farm. In the 1970's her grandmother was knitting monkeys, sewing three legged dogs and creating giant plush black bears. Her family has commented that they see her grandmother in her work. Which proves my belief that there is a creativity gene! Her other inspiration is cryptozoological creatures and all things fanged! Check out those chupacabras!

And I just want to thank Christina for keeping watch over everyone's creations before the show! You rock! I just hope they all don't get to rowdy!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

A plush chupacabra? Get out! I love him.


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