Thursday, August 27, 2009

Roquefort Rollins, Mouse Trap Security Guard

Roquefort Rollins has acted as a Mouse Trap Security Guard every since he can remember. Most monsters aspire to be good at scaring kids by hiding underneath their bed or in their closet. But Roquefort found a different calling and it all started with a growl in his stomach and a chunk of cheddar. Roquefort loves cheese or should I say LIVES for cheese. With a cup of strong java, he follows mice around from trap to trap and then sits there and talks them out of what their about to do by gruesomely describing the painful death they'll suffer if that trap should go off. Then, after they leave, he disables the trap and eats the cheese that was left out as a lure. The mice have never failed to lead him to the most delicious cheeses in town and he's never failed to talk them out of trying take it for themselves. Ah, it's a real chore of a job but somebody has to do it and that somebody is Roquefort Rollins, Mouse Trap Security Guard!

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