Friday, May 7, 2010

The LOST Chickenpants

I just completed my Lost project! I wanted to make a tribute to the show that's chewed up so many hours of my life:

I took them all to a local park for a photo shoot. It's as close to an island as we're going to get over here.

I carefully picked the fabric and accents for each individual Chickenpants to best capture the spirit of that character. I then carefully applied "dirt" to each one (not real dirt, just pastels), because we hardly ever see these guys clean and tidy unless it's one of those sideways flashes which I wish they would hurry up and do something with, already.

Actually, J.J. Abramspants and Richart Alpertpants do not have any dirt on them. Why? Because J.J. Abrams doesn't strike me as the sort to get dirty. And Richard Alpert always seems fairly tidy and well kept, too. What's with that?
In total, I made 11 characters. There are so many more I'd like to do, though!

-Claire ~ Absolutely Small


Selina said...

ohhh, I LOVE the Hurley Chickenpants!!! Shame someone beet me to it! And the Sayid Chickenpants, cracks me up!! These are fricken' awesome!!

Absolutely Small said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

The plush toys are cute and nice. Almost all the toys of my collections are Plush toys especially Godzilla Plush toys.


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