Monday, September 16, 2013

Henry Fabien "The Architect Of Strange Impossible Things"

Once upon a time, there was a poor architect called Henry. He was the architect of strange impossible things

 His works were pretty amazing, everybody were admiring his designs because of the projects were colorfull, ethusiastic, modern, inspired, full of imagination... still, he was a poor architect. He was designing those beatiful houses but noone could ever live in them, because the houses were drawn upside down, means the people had to walk in the air to get in their houses. And he was drawing shoping malls but there was no space to put actuall stores in it, Henry was filled with the trees everywhere, he thought this is better. And his last project was a school but this time he didn't add the stairs, stairs always made me feel me blue he said, so here was a huge building with plenty of  classrooms but no stairs.
Once upon a time, there was a poor and odd architect called Henry. He was the architect of strange impossible things.
Available on etsy !!!

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