I'm giving away a Chickenpants plush art toy on my Instagram feed! I'm actually super nervous to do this, but here goes.
I will be giving Luann Chickenpants away to one winner, picked at random.
To win her, just
1. Repost this photo on Instagram*
2. Tag said photo #chickenpants
3. And follow me on Instagram, @chickenpants
That's it! I'll pick a winner next Wednesday, the 4th. (Feel free to tag anyone you think might be into this, too. I didn't want to make that a requirement, but I sure would appreciate it!)
And here is Luann's story. (Every Chickenpants has a little backstory.)
Luann Chickenpants - CP. No. 608
Luann Chickenpants is a thrifter extraordinaire. She takes great pride that nothing that she owns has been bought at retail cost. She has an eye for great finds and a beak for bargains.
If you'd like to see more chickeny goodness, you can check out the Chickenpants blog!
*There's a copy of this photo on my instagram feed, naturally, to make this easier for you!
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