Saturday, August 30, 2008

2 weeks until Renegade Chicago

2 weeks to go!! Here's a little bit o' info on 2 more fabulous Plush Teamers who's Plushies will be up for adoption at Renegade Chicago - notice, that both of their creations have a scientific twist ^_^

FurrWillFly creates her little guys in the UK. Just like me, she also has a degree in Biological sciences - notice that a lot of her plushies have an anatomical twist to them!

Weirdbuglady is located in Ballston Lake, NY. She is currently studying zoology. All of her plushies are unique, and her own creation from start to finish. She specializes in creating plush interpretations of insects and other invertebrates. She's always been frustrated by not being able to find plush toys of her favorite animals that were anatomically correct, so she set out to make her own!

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