Friday, February 6, 2009

Sweater Monster Parade!

Here come the sweater monsters! It must be the winter weather making me want to make cuddley, huggable monsters out of old sweaters.

This huggable guy went home with a fellow artist/vendor at an art show I did last weekend. He was definitely one of my favorites and was hard to part with. But I'm glad he's making someone so happy!

This monster is from the arm of the sweater the previous monster was made of. I just made her today.

I made this zipper-mouthed monster yesterday. He's the first monster I've done this with! The zipper goes to a little pocket on his front.

I made these two lover monsters (Valeria & Viktor Valentine) yesterday from a sweater my mom contributed.
This monster came from the same sweater as the above two. (one sweater goes a long way!) I finished up this one today at an art show I did tonight.


FairiesNest said...

I love the sweater mouth guy! Great touch!

Anonymous said...

so cute!:)))))I love it!


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